John E. Boal
Camano Island, WA 98282
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Please contact me via email only.

Professional Objectives (What I Do)
Team member, mentor, development manager on a high-performance team - helping others to achieve and maintain success
Improve customer experience quickly with better software, frequently
Resolve development challenges by leading with collaboration, innovation, and technology
Ensure predictable, quality, frequent automated, valuable software delivery
Facilitate customers, stakeholders, and team members collaborating efficiently and effectively together

Why Hire Me?
I have experience helping people who want to learn how to be more efficient at their roles developing and delivering quality software
I have experience leading development teams in multiple industries with a demonstrated pattern of success, advancing teams and cultures as well as the software they deliver
I understand the problems inherent in software development, and solve them with collaboration, communication, and customer focus
Employment History

11/2020 - present Software Engineering Manager and Senior Software Engineer, Consultant Launch Consulting Group
Software Engineering Manager, in addition to consulting and software development work
Consulting role, advisor on Agile practices, software quality, TDD (test-driven development)
API-first architecture design, implementation, cloud/distributed API management (AWS, Tyk, Kong)
VBD (Volatility-Based Decomposition) architectural design and component implementation
Cloud application architecture consulting for containerization of APIs, Docker / Kubernetes, distributed microservices
Provisioned and integated AWS cloud services including EC2, Lambda functions, S3, Redshift, RDS
Qlik (Attunity) streaming data pipeline designs from SQL Server CDC to Snowflake data warehouses and data lakes
Cloud data pipeline architecture designs streaming from SQL to Snowflake, AWS Redshift and ElasticSearch using Kafka cluster
Developer on Microservices implementation of event-driven message processor, using FHIR APIs and other HL7 messaging
Senior Engineer - raising the bar on coding design, practices and processes
Managing, mentoring and assisting team members in coding techniques and skills including pair programming, refactoring skills, OO Design
Leading XP practices, Pairing, Test-Driven development and code quality, managing CI/CD pipelines
Strategic consulting and advising clients on software architecture direction
Experienced team leader for integrated nearshore and geographically diverse teams

4/2017 - 11/2020 Principal Software Developer Premera Blue Cross
Agile SecDevOps Cloud Developer and Agile Evangelist
LEAN proponent, eliminating waste and optimizing delivery
Software Craftsmanship Principles and Practices Proponent
Built and led high-performance delivery team for 3y
Architecture design using scalable and robust microservices/bus architecture (need-based model)
Secure Azure microservices development with REST APIs and APIM/App Gateway
C# Cloud-first development using EventHub, ServiceBus, Azure SQL and Cosmos
Cloud database development NoSQL/Cosmos/Azure ADF
Fully automated CI/CD pipeline for software delivery on Azure DevOps
Led Test-Driven development and code craftsmanship, refactoring skills in code and architecture
Improved process to streamline and eliminate waste using kaizen and value-stream mapping

2010 - 2017 Principal Consultant, Development Lead Ciber Inc.
Development Lead as Agile Coach for small team at T-Mobile
Facilitated an Agile DevOps culture across the organization
Leadership in training teams across multiple organizations to improve skills in Agile (SCRUM, XP, Lean, Kanban) and TDD (test-driven development) practices.
Coordinated architecture design, code implementation, integration and testing strategies between various delivery teams across organizations
Developed code in C# / WCF / MSSQL for web services and applications in a complex enterprise (SOA/ESB) environment
Architecture, design, requirements gathering (user interviews) for new projects
Continuous Integration/Delivery using TeamCity, Hudson, Cruise Control, nAnt
Raised the code quality bar through education and advocacy in best practices for coding, unit testing, integration testing, and acceptance testing
Taught Agile techniques, philosophies, and development practices including XP, TDD, pair-programming, and continuous integration
Leadership in screening, interviewing, and hiring candidates for development positions

2008 - 2010 Development Lead Velocity Partners
Led team of developers on a Web 2.0 SaaS project providing project management software as a service
Raised the bar for the entire development team in demonstrating technical excellence in areas including Test-Driven Development and Automated Acceptance Testing
Drove change throughout the Development and QA organizations toward best-practices, and educated staff in Agile development technologies and techniques
Educated staff on testing techniques, Scrum, Security practices and Threat Modeling

2007 - 2008 Development Lead Solutions IQ (now Accenture)
Led development for an Entertainment Industry development team, focused on Service Oriented Architecture [SOA]
Used Leading-Edge Windows Communications Foundation [WCF] and Windows Workflow [WF] development, using beta and RTM Visual Studio 2008
Enterprise Service Bus [ESB] architecture development, service-oriented architecture design and development
Used Persistent Workflows, using reliable messaging (WS-RM and MSMQ) and WS-security
Contract-first development strategy for web service applications
Extreme Programming [XP] (paired programming, continuous integration [CI] with Cruise Control and nAnt)
Test-Driven Development with .net 3.5 and .net 3.0 - NUnit test framework
Led team in creating automated acceptance test suites, using domain-specific language [DSL]
Led team in Acceptance Test-Driven Development [ATDD] development practices
Direct customer interface at executive producer level. Coordinated technical details with non-technical customer management.
Led team of 9 senior developers on mission-critical core infrastructure product
Personally coordinating all QA testing on the entire project
SCRUM project management, CSM

2003 - 2007 Senior Software Design Engineer [SDE] Microsoft
C# (C Sharp) Object-Oriented Software Development using Extreme Programming [XP]
Test-Driven Development with .NET NUnit test framework (xUnit)
Designed highly effective automated test suites
SCRUM project management - Certified Scrum Master [CSM]
Solutions Architect - overall system architecture, as well as subsystem and component design
SQL Server Database architect, developer
Security Champion (local security touchpoint and tier-1 security expert for the entire organization)
Led Threat Modeling and conducted Security Reviews for multiple projects and teams
Security Reviews - frequently reviewed code for security defects and conducted security analysis
Code quality assured using automated tools such as FxCop (C#), PreFast (C++), PreSharp (C#)
Assisted peers' code quality with in-depth code reviews and quality feedback
Web services development (C#, MS-SQL, SOAP)
Designed enterprise data transformation ETL [Extract, Transform, Load] process
Website development, HTML, DHTML, ASP.NET, AJAX, JavaScript, XML/XSLT
WiFi software development, Hotspot Locator and other projects
Designed and implemented Secure VPN solution for MSN customers on unsecured WiFi hotspots
Microsoft Operations Manager 2005 [MOM] development of Management Packs for IAS RADIUS monitoring
RADIUS (Microsoft Internet Authentication Service [IAS]) Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting [AAA] Support Software Development
RADIUS custom Authentication system and Authorization design
Led organization with the lowest recorded bug counts on projects for the organization's history
Designed RADIUS implementation strategy, using Microsoft IAS server (Windows Server 2003)
IAS RADIUS custom Authorization, Cisco and Ascend firewall rules for Dial-up Sessions (via RADIUS)
Assisted in Network design for Global Dial-up Networking infrastructure
Developed numerous Network Management and Monitoring Tools in C++ and C#
Developed proprietary SNMP-based Automated Network Monitor (C++)
Designed and built on-prem Decision Support and Executive Information Systems
Pocket PC software development (.NET Compact Framework)
Supported daily operations of production systems (IAS RADIUS, Web, SQL)
Miscellaneous C++ internal tool development projects

2005 Scrum Alliance Certified as Scrum Master
1993-1994 Cal State University Fullerton Certificate Award in Object-Oriented Programming
1983-1991 Cal State Polytechnic University Pomona Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science

Decades of successful Software Development experience on widely varied projects, platforms, and industries
Development Manager or Team Lead, guiding teams and mentoring individuals to ensure delivery of quality software at predictable intervals.
Architecture consultant and designer for resilient data pipelines with streaming and microservices, using Docker containers, Kafka, and AWS Redshift and ElasticSearch
Mentor for other developers, helping to build skills and understanding of code craftsmanship, OO design principles, and Agile methodology.
Customer-focused - helping the team to adapt to and stay focused on delivering maximum value to the customer every iteration
Agile Evangelist, spreading the merits of adaptive LEAN and eXtreme Programming (XP) practices and sometimes Scrum, SAFe
Database / data warehouse / data lake experience in Snowflake, Redshift, MS SQL Server, MySql, Azure: ASQL, Cosmos DB, ADF
Proficient in build automation - Azure DevOps, TeamCity, nAnt, MSBuild, Cruise Control, Hudson, scripting
Development and management of APIs, API Management using Azure APIM, Tyk, Ocelot
Product Owner skills - prioritizing stakeholders needs, focused on customer value delivery
Experienced Consultant, across many industries, projects, technologies
Experienced in all SDLC [Security Development Life-Cycle] aspects
Requirements Definition, Analysis, Design, Implementation, Debug, Testing and Acceptance
Customer Interface analysis skills, and prioritization / "Expectations Management" Skills
Software Project Management Experience [when needed] using SCRUM, SCRUM master certified 2005
Advanced experience in C# / MSSQL / Windows 10 and all prior. In the past: C, C++, HTML, Linux and other *nx
Can design, architect enterprise cloud solutions using streaming data pipelines and microservices architecture
Can analyze, design, develop and test software for any platform, system, requirement, or application.
Network design and Electronics Engineering design experience
Can design, analyze and build electronic and computer circuits, digital, and analog (solid-state, low frequency) circuits and DC power supplies.
Circuit design and PCB layout with various CAD software systems - Cadence, DipTrace
3D object design with Autodesk Fusion 360, FreeCad and other platforms
Mechanical/part engineering, design and layout using various 2D and 3D CAD software
Can design, analyze and build RF transmit antennas up to 500MHz
Can use all machine shop tools such as end mill, lathe, band saw and other cutting and finishing tools to produce production-quality parts from raw materials
Can read and produce machine drawings for mechanical parts in metals and plastics
Languages used: Assembler, Ada, C/C++/C#, Fortran, HTML, Java, JCL, Pascal, Python, Smalltalk, SNOBOL, SQL, VisBasic, Javascript, VBScript, XML / XSLT
Tools: XML SOAP and REST web services, ASP.NET, ASP [Active Server Pages], JavaScript, InstallShield, WIX (Windows Installer XML), LEX/YACC, Win32 API, MFC, SMTP/MAPI, ODBC
Custom Firewall design experience and security analysis using (old fashioned) IPTables / IPChains (Linux)
Networking: RADIUS protocols, MS IAS, SNMP, TCP/IP: FTP / TELNET / UDP / ICMP, X.25 (AX.25), PPP, DNS, SMB (Unix)
Applications: Visual Studio, Eclipse, AccuRev, Access, Autocad, Excel, OrCAD, Outlook, PowerPoint, Publisher, Visio, Word, Groove, Publisher, Project, Office, WireShark
Test equipment: Oscilloscope, EPROM Programmer, ICE [In-Circuit Emulator], Multimeter, Solder Station, Antenna Analyzer, Frequency Counter, Signal Generator, RS-232 Breakout Box
Operating Systems: Win10, Win8.1, Win7, Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows 95/98, Unix *nix (Solaris, HP-UX, Linux)

Personal and Professional Development
FCC Licensed Amateur Radio Operator since 1992: K9JEB (Extra Class: all Amateur privileges), Volunteer Examiner with multiple organizations
Fluent in English, some Spanish and French
Volunteer Amateur Radio Emergency Services Communicator, Island County ACS
Personal References available upon request.

Updated Monday, October 9, 2023
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